Maine Equal Justice honors Assistant Majority Leader Rachel Talbot Ross as our Equal Justice Hero for 2021

Maine Equal Justice honors Assistant Majority Leader Rachel Talbot Ross as our Equal Justice Hero for 2021

The award is given annually to “someone who has made a significant contribution to strengthening access to justice in Maine. This award is reserved for those whose efforts seek to bring equal treatment before the law to Maine’s most vulnerable.”

We are grateful and awed by how much Rep. Talbot Ross was and is able to accomplish to advance equity and justice at a systemic level. She is an unwavering champion for justice and works tirelessly to enact laws to increase equity in our public policies, institutions, and systems.

The list is long so we will name just some of Rep. Talbot Ross’ accomplishments in 2021 alone:

  • Championed LD 718, legislation to ensure access to MaineCare to all Mainers regardless of immigration status. Remains deeply committed to passage of this bill after securing coverage for all kids and pregnant people last year. Continues to be a champion for coverage for adults who also need and deserve health care.
  • Led the effort to pass LD 2, “An Act To Require the Inclusion of Racial Impact Statements in the Legislative Process” that will introduce ‘Racial Impact Statements’ as a powerful tool to address racial disparities through law making. This will give lawmakers information and data that will allow them to consider the impacts of future laws on racial, indigenous, and tribal populations.
  • Led the effort to increase funding for the Permanent Commission on the Status of Racial, Indigenous and Maine Tribal Populations, which was needed to staff the Commission so that it can advance “programs that create and improve opportunities and incorporate the goal of eliminating disparities for historically disadvantaged racial, indigenous and tribal populations in Maine.” The Commission exists to do this work thanks to Rep. Talbot Ross’ leadership.
  • Sponsored legislation to recognize tribal sovereignty (LD 1626), “An Act Implementing the Recommendations of the Task Force on Changes to the Maine Indian Claims Settlement Implementing Act” that would give the tribes in Maine the same federally recognized sovereignty rights of tribes in other states.
  • Continued to champion critically needed reforms to the criminal justice system, making progress with passage of legislation (LD 1703) that will end cash bail for most Class E crimes.
  • Advocated for progessive tax solutions so that everyone pays their fair share enabling us to collectively invest in equitable policies that meet peoples’ needs and strengthen our communities.

Rep. Talbot Ross is creative, courageous, and deeply committed to advancing racial equity and equal treatment before the law and there is nobody more deserving of this recognition.

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© Maine Equal Justice